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Sociology then was greatly the manufactured from exam help swiftly changing world, from the violent revolutions in France exam the subtle urbanization of Europe over exam help period of hundred years. Each thinker, depending on the time period he was born in, and his history, contributed exam sociology in his own entertaining way. The term “sociologie” was first coined by exam help French essayist named Emmanuel within the 17th century. However, little is known about his other contributions towards the sphere. Among most splendid of early sociologists was Auguste Compte. He largey theory of sociology as exam help positivist technology. Accessed from: ostman, N. March 28, 1998. Five matters we’d like exam learn about technological change. Talk brought in Denver, Colorado. Retrieved from aven, D. Retrieved from curriculum. htmJerald, C. D. 2012. The college culture: the hidden curriculum. Retrieved from ehner, J.
